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WA 招聘电信工程师

jacky_ca 发表于 2015-10-20 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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About us

NextCam Pty Ltd (short as 'NextCam'below) specializes in providing services in Telecommunication. As contractingcompany to many main Telecom service providers based in Sydney, we have beengrowing fast by keeping in mind that customer's satisfaction is our No.1priority. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of services with totalcustomer satisfactions; to establish and maintain strong relationships with ourcustomer base.

Responsibilities will include but not be limited to:

Provide field technical support to customers efficiently.

Deliver two to eight wire services from network boundary to customer sockets.

Conduct equipment and system level Service Delivery/Assurance activities in the field with satisfaction from customers.

Carry out minor cabling jobs.

Some other types of jobs like faults finding, etc.

What weare looking for:

Responsible and reliable.

Ability to solve problems and to think on your own feet

Have Austel license and green card preferred

Have own vehicle

Proven ability in working in an operational network assurance and acceptance environment

Can take some tough jobs and even work long time with right attitude

Ifinterested, please send your CV to info@nextcam.com.au


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