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续签出现No Further Stay如何办

责任编辑 发表于 2016-10-19 10:49:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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近来有很多同学续签半年签证,签证出现了8534这样的no further stay限制。很多同学非常恐慌,担心影响到下面的移民申请。
澳大利亚澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com ;《澳大利亚留学生报》微信订阅号:HiuniAU 。,二维码帖子地址:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com/australia/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4510 的首席顾问黄文勇查询了有关移民法,特此说明,只要申请人是有技术移民的真实申请人,这个条款是可以免除。所以请大家不要恐慌。
(4)   For subsection 41(2A) of the Act, the circumstances in which the Minister may waive a condition of a kind described in paragraph 41(2)(a) of the Act are that:(a)   since the person was granted the visa that was subject to the condition, compelling and compassionate circumstances have developed:
(i)   over which the person had no control; and
(ii)   that resulted in a major change to the person’s circumstances; and
(b)   if the Minister has previously refused to waive the condition, the Minister is satisfied that the circumstances mentioned in paragraph (a) are substantially different from those considered previously; and
(c)   if the person asks the Minister to waive the condition, the request is in writing.
(5)   For subsection 41(2A) of the Act, further circumstances in which the Minister may waive condition8534 in relation to a visa are that the holder of the visa:
(a)   has, after holding a student visa to which condition8534 applies, been granted:
(i)   a Subclass 497 (Graduate — Skilled) visa; or
(ii)   a Subclass 010 (Bridging A) visa or a Subclass 020 (Bridging B) visa associated with the Subclass 497 (Graduate — Skilled) visa application; and
(b)   has not, after holding a student visa to which condition8534 applies, been granted a protection visa.
(5A)   For subsection
of the Act, further circumstances in which the Minister may waive

in relation to a visa are that the holder of the visa:
(a)   has completed the course for which the visa was granted; and
(b)   has a genuine intention to apply for a
General Skilled Migration visa
(6)   For subsection 41(2A) of the Act, further circumstances in which the Minister may waive condition8534 in relation to a visa are that the holder of the visa is a registered nurse, or satisfies the requirements for registration as a registered nurse, in Australia.


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