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anna 发表于 2016-10-17 02:13:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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there is another doctor death at the gold coast public hospital. do not trust Queensland health system. the nurses there trying to drug me and let me have a miscarriage. because they are elisbeans. be careful if go to the Hospital in queensland   

what happen to me in Australia is worth than communist China. there is no human right or freedom of speech here either. i contact the media too, they are not interested.   

the Queensland health system killed my baby. i has bleeding for 3 weeks. if the pregnancy is not smooth i will sue every penny the southport hospital got. there is another doctor death at the gold coast hospital. i will study law myself, so the nurse at the hospital can not drug me and trying to abort my baby. what they did to me is criminal

they pick on me cause they think i do not speak english and poor.

its hard if u are not born here


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