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arieszhu 发表于 2010-1-10 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Position: Responsible

We are keeping an ambitious expansion plan in China. You have an opportunity for a fast career, you will join us at Responsible Trainee level and we will be looking to develop you quickly into a section manager, department manager or store manager. Our value is the internal promotion, we believe if you are potential we can develop your skills to achieve a managerial position.

If you want to take part of the Career Development Plan in China, you only need to experience in the stores, speak local language (Chinese and English) and a good understanding of fashion.

Main Responsibilities:

As a head of section in one of our stores, you will be responsible for the foll owing aspects:

Product management: suiting collections to customer's tastes, making orders, returns, ranges, invoice control (incidents) and dealing with complaints. Also responsible for fitting alarms, fitting garments on hangers, folding, stacking, replacing, attending to alterations and orders, and carrying out the inventory for the section.


-Setting up and co-ordinating garments;

-Controlling the image of the section.

Personnel management:

-Helping the manager in selecting staff to work in the section;

-Evaluating and communicating impressions with the manager;

-Training and motivating the staff in their section;

-Helping the manager organize timetables, holidays, sale

s periods and bank holidays.

Reporting To: Section Manager


-Preferably between 24 and 28 years old

-Affinity with the product: able to identify with collections

-Ability to co-ordinate

-Working with customers: enjoy dealing with customers' needs

Personal Profile & Capabilities:

Qualities for leadership, communication and teamwork

Academic Background:

UK university education background is highly preferred


Fluent in English. Mandarin

Other Knowledge:

Computer skills





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