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招租西澳大学附近房屋一间 A Fully furnished Room with balconyfor Rent (Near UWA)

尖刀连长 发表于 2014-5-13 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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A Fully furnished Room with balconyfor Rent (Near UWA) Address:CrawleyA Spacious fully furnished single room with balcony in 3 bedrooms house is available forlong term or short term rent. This house is very clean, quiet and well located, close to Science library of UWA (2 min walk), bus station and shopping center (1 min to IGA), and equipped with all appliance required for living. One parking space is available. House mates are UWA visitor and student, friendly, clean and easy-going.Nice and easy-going UWA student is preferred. No smoking, no pets. You will enjoy friendly, happy and helpful household. 200 dollar/per week.Please contactQQ1031160787 or 0451848201.


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