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Looking for tomato picker at Bundaberg

zeehyo 发表于 2016-10-16 22:43:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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The tomato farms that we have are going to be high season soon ( maybe a week later ).

We can give you '2nd working holiday visa'.

We work as team ( normally one team has 30 or more)  and they are all good, kind and friendly.

Whenever we have day-off, we go to beach or have BBQ or having fun together.

If U are hard worker, you can get over $200 a day( it means that it can be over $1000 a week ).

Even though you are not, you can save much money.

Because high season is coming, there is no waiting to start working.  

You don't have to waste your time to waiting.

Any question or contact
-> Jihyo Lee 0434 414 776


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