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ifrasia8008 发表于 2011-5-6 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
信息提醒:内容含有外部网址链接的均可能为盗号网站,请谨慎查辨信息真伪。涉及金钱交易的需小心诈骗! 任何涉及个人私密信息或联系方式不全,信息不完整的内容都要小心对待,谨防被骗。


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Job request:
1. Tracking all displayed models and price in stores what belong to required product group (such as TVs, Washing machine, Refrigerator etc.) one time a month. Send data back to company before 10th every month
2. Collecting the flyer and instruction of product
3. Input all the information you get to an Excel file and send to company fast and accurate. (Company will provide standard form)
Knowledge and skills
1. Strong communication skills
2. Ability to resolve the problem
3. Basic computer skills especially in excel.
4. Have enough time to do this work efficiently
5. Strong responsibility

AUD 16.5 per hour (include: time in store and data entry)
Payment will be transferred to your bank account every month

Contact name: Elaine
QQ: 1257858578MSN:
澳洲天下皆知网:http://www.tianxiajiezhi.com yuqiyoung92@hotmail.com
Contact phone: +86 10 84274371223
If you are interested in this job, please email your CV to us, or contact us by MSN.


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