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lqnh314 发表于 2016-11-1 16:03:17 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Part-time job

Pursue business of network international trade, have the advantage of competitive product and price, the product with already was formed more mature is supplied and with sale mode, the product is had in the sale of Euramerican and other places contend for force unexpectedly, sale foreground is hopeful!

Show the Chinese immigrant with abroad recruit or part-time job of student studying abroad! (The 2nd profession that can serve as you will do) . Have good development prospect and study opportunity. Because Chinese Ebay ID is in abroad now the sale is not quite advantageous, so I want to look for a few friends that are in abroad (pluralistic student studying abroad) collaboration.

Want you to have fun at to Ebay sale only, everyday can 9 hours time gets online. You need to offer me your commodity to be released on Ebay only, reply client mail is OK, can take up only your very few off hours, your deduct a percentage from a sum of money is met relaxed in one's hand.

Working type: Hold two or more posts concurrently on the net. Reply email uploads a picture, simple description (I give you the data you can consult) we are in charge of commodity pack, goods is sent buy the home. In whole process you need not assume any risks. Need 1-2 only hour, him time masters.  

Pay pay: Have a detailed discussion on QQ or MSN


1, English foundation is good.  

2, get online convenient, smoke 1-2 everyday the hour is enough.  

3, have good communication ability, conscientious

My connection means is: MSN: Siweitongda@hotmail.com

     QQ: 1357905603


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