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[b]Web Design Job, work from Home!!![/b]

xiaotian532 发表于 2009-1-18 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Web Design Job, work from Home!!!

This is a Web Development job. The company was formed a little over 3 years ago and has grown from strength to strength. Its co founders are passionate about development and the technology they use. The company provides a very innovative, relaxedand flexible work environment.

WebNova.com.au company's mainfocus is providing Website Development/Design solutions using PHP andadvanced Joomla as its main CMS.

The company is nowlooking for an experienced developer to bring passion and flare totheir projects. This is an excellent opportunity to work for a rapidly expanding and dynamic company, to have fun and work on cutting-edgeprojects.

The ideal candidate will have the following skills set:

2+ years experience as PHP web Developer

1+ years experience with Joomla

Excellent CSS skill

Please send your CV online at http://webnova.com.au/careers

Or contact with careers@webnova.com.au


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