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Platinum Accounting祝贺阿德莱德实习生Jess在本地公司获得会计职位!

Platinumaccg 发表于 2015-9-11 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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解决方案:希望重回会计领域的她为了能够复习增长会计技术,累积会计经验而选择参加了Platinum Accounting的Level 1培训实习项目。

结果:在短短几个月后,她便成功获得了面试并以自己的出色表现拿下了这份工作。面试方还对Jess的resume表示赞赏,而且也非常满意Platinum Accounting对Jess在reference check中的所言所语。

白金总结:如果你求职过程已经长达数月甚至更久,如果你开始自己的能力或者怀疑自己是否永远找不到工作,欢迎来到Platinum Accounting进行免费咨询,我们会尽全力为您的职业生涯打开大门。



From:Jess Sxxxx [mailto:xxxx@gmail.com]

Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2015 10:01 PM


Subject: Job Application

Hi Scarlet,

I'd like to share a news of being selected as an Accountant for N** Brokers.

I'd like to say big thank to whole Platinum accounting team. As the experience and reference from Jeff really helped me to secure a job. Also, the tips ,such as with my CV, I got from time to time was great help during my job hunt.

The first thing they notice was my Resume and they said its quite impressive during my interview so thank you Scarlet. As I took your advice and paid off.

Following were the questions that they asked me during interview. I had two rounds of interviews. One with HR and other one with the manager.

In my First rounds they were asking following questions :

Why I want to be an accountant?

About strength and weakness?

Tell me about the tasks I perform at Platinum Accounting?

How I tackle conflict situation?

What is my expected salary?

They explain the role to me and asked if I have any questions?

In my second round:

It was more about my current and past roles. They wants to know more about me.

Thank you once again to the whole team and helping me to start my career.

Kind Regards,

Jxxx Kxxx (Jess Kxxx)


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