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Platinumaccg 发表于 2015-10-28 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Year after year, we have many interns starting fulltime positions and continue in chasing their professional qualifications.

For CA and CPA one of the main difficulties of gaining full membership is gaining recognized CA/CPA Practical Experience.

We have many interns asking us whether our internship experience can be recognized by CA & CPA. Florian Tax Pty Ltd trading as Platinum Accounting Australia is a CPA Public Practice, and our internship experience is recognized by both CA & CPA on a pro-rata basis, ie. 6 months part time internship will need to be converted to a full time amount based on hours worked.

1, CPA Experience

Interns can get relevant Accounting experience recognized from Management Accountant/Financial Controller Internship Level. Candidates will need to have at least CPA Associate Membership in order to start the application.

CPA Practical Experience Requirement

CPA Australia recommends that if you are employed in a professional role, you should enrol in the practical experience requirement as soon as you become an Associate member. You can use any combination of the following methods to complete your practical experience:

·   Enrol with a mentor

·   Enrol with a Recognised Employer Partner

·   Apply for recognition of professional experience

For the application forms, please refer to: https://www.cpaaustralia.com.au/ ... erience-requirement

2, CA Experience

Interns can get relevant Accounting experience get recognized from Management Accountant/Financial Controller Internship Level. Candidates will need to have at least enrolled in the CA Program in order to start the application.

Platinum Accounting Australia is an Approved Training Employer (ATE) for Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA)

CA Recording Practical Experience

CA recommend that a documented training plan is agreed upon between the trainee and the mentor at the commencement of a mentoring relationship according to the Candidate Practical Experience Logbook and expect that competencies are signed off by a mentor at least quarterly.

All existing and future CA Program employees who undertake their three years of practical experience with Platinum Accounting Australia will need to provide a Practical Experience Agreement form at the commencement of their practical experience and a Mentor's Final Report with their application for full membership. Please refer to CA Website for further details: http://www.charteredaccountants.com.au/

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.


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