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【黄金海岸】三房独栋 刚翻新 交通方便 靠近GU黄金海岸校区!

风流浪子 发表于 2011-7-10 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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刚翻新三房独栋 单间出租 交通方便!靠近Griffith University 黄金海岸校区!位于Molendinar的三房独栋单间出租单间租金为每周$150, 包括水费、电费、网络。房子刚翻新,设备齐全。交通方便,公车站离房子越50米(步行少于1分钟),乘车只需6分钟就可到达Griffith University Gold Coast Campus。房东不同住。有兴趣者请联络Duane @ harley-diesel@hotmail.com 索取更多详情!3 bedroom house. It's a brick house with tiled roof.The house has just been renovatedNew Flooring - tiles throughoutBrand new Kitchen, new oven and cooktop, and dishwasher.Whole house has been freshly repaintedNew Airconditioner (for warm summer) and new Water heater.Locks will be installed on individual bedrooms to provide privacy.Each room has built-in wardrobes, and new beds and brand new mattresses have been provided.The house is furnished also with Fridge, Lounge, Tables, Chairs, TV... etc.The house is located in a quiet area,The bus stop is about 50 metres away. The bus then takes 6 minutes to arrive at the Uni.You don't need to worry about any parties or noise... if people want to have parties they will need to go elsewhere.The rent for the property will be $150 AUD per week. (Payable weekly or fortnighly in advance)Bond will be 4 weeks rent ($600 AUD)The Rent will include Electricity, Internet, Water.You will need to provide your own food and bed sheets.


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