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标题: [转帖]BF2 255人同时作战 (转帖改) [打印本页]

作者: 会推开就别深拥.    时间: 2016-11-1 03:55 PM
标题: [转帖]BF2 255人同时作战 (转帖改)
BOT数值更改BF2的singleplayer模式里面限制人数为16,打起来还是觉得不够激烈+BOT就显得非常重要了;另外附带提一下,其他人也能进入你的singleplayer模式的,记下你的IP(读游戏的时候有写)告诉同伴,家就能一起K BOT了.游戏目录\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\AI打开aidefault.ai原为:aiSettings.setNSides 2  aiSettings.setAutoSpawnBots 1aiSettings.setMaxNBots 16aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 1aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.4rem To spawn more than 15 bots in SP, use the following lines instead of the three lines above.rem Note that this is totaly unsupported, it will affect your system's performancerem and may even crash your game. That being said, you will most likely be able to run a lotrem more bots than 15 on your system.rem Example for 32 bot game with expert botsrem aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1   rem aiSettings.setMaxNBots 255      rem aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0rem aiSettings.setBotSkill 1.0     run BotNames.aiaiSettings.setInformationGridDimension 32run AIPathFinding.airem EOF改为:aiSettings.setNSides 2  aiSettings.setAutoSpawnBots 1aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1   aiSettings.setMaxNBots 32(32人)     aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0 (1代表32人里有玩家,0表示32+玩家,共33人)aiSettings.setBotSkill 1.0  (expert的敌人,随个人喜好,我只加到1,要是有牛人可以试试大于一 ^^)    rem To spawn more than 15 bots in SP, use the following lines instead of the three lines above.rem Note that this is totaly unsupported, it will affect your system's performancerem and may even crash your game. That being said, you will most likely be able to run a lotrem more bots than 15 on your system.rem Example for 32 bot game with expert botsrun BotNames.aiaiSettings.setInformationGridDimension 32run AIPathFinding.airem EOF增加BOT比较耗费系统资源,建议大家量力而行.16人图我开32就觉得火力够密集了,铁轨附近的接触战完全是子弹横飞,手榴弹到处都在炸(都不知道是被哪边的炸飞的)时不时的还飞颗导弹过来 >_ 是从什幺地方转过来的(朋友发给我的,所以没有出处) 后来经过修改版[em05]

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