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Recruiting a Financial Investment Adviser

doudou140909 发表于 2015-9-20 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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We are a wine company located in Griffith, NSW. Due to the business expansion, we are looking for a Financial Investment Adviser to develop financial plans and advise on investment strategies for the company.


-Analyzing information and advising the company on funding sources and investment strategies;

-Collecting financial, accounting and investment information of the company to prepare budgets, forecasts and reports;

-Setting financial objectives, developing financial plans and supervising the execution of them;

-Monitoring investment performance and reviewing investment plans;

-Researching the marketplace and information from various sources;

-Keeping up with market changes and providing suggestions against risks;

-Presenting investment plans to potential investors to attract capital into the business;

-Liaising with other professionals, such as estate agents, solicitor and valuers to implement the expansion plan of the company;

-Providing the company with information on new financial products; -May arrange to buy and sell stocks for the company.


-At least Bachelor’s Degree in business, finance or a related field;

-Strong bilingual communication and writing skills (English and Chinese);

-Impressive interpersonal and presentation skills;

-Excellent analytical and multi-task abilities;

-Work experience in similar position is preferred.

If you are interested in the position, please send your CV to: hr_21stcentury@hotmail.com.


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