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大型上市公司管理(成本)会计成功案例 – Kumudu

Platinumaccg 发表于 2015-2-18 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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大型上市公司管理(成本)会计成功案例 - Kumudu







Dear everyone,

Please join me in congratulating Kumudu’s new job position asfull time Management(Cost) Accountant!

We have a large number of interns got hired in both small-mediansize companies and large listed corporations. Kumudu is one of the typicalexamples. She joined the program and got hired in less than 3 months. Threemonths together with Platinum, she already secured the Management Accountant'sjob position.

Similar to all the new Accounting immigrants, she is actually anCharted CPA full-title Accountant back in her own country and has over 5 yearsworking experience. But, Half year of job hunting after her migration, therewas no much respond from the local Australian job market. So, she decided totake action in training herself up with local working experience and joined ourLevel 1 Accounting Training and Internship Program.

And now, after 3 months systematically local Accountingtraining, she finally got her well-desired position and become an Accountantagain in Melbourne Australia.

Dear Interns, If you come across with difficulties in findingyour desired position, don't be discouraged, we, Platinum Accounting, willalways be here and help you towards your goal!

Keep positive, keep motivated, you will be there soon.

From: Kumudu G*** [mailto:k**@yahoo.com]


To: yolanda@platinumaccg.com.au

Subject: Good news

Hi Yolanda,

I have good news.

I got a job as a Management(Cost) Accountant. The training I had at PlatinumAccounting gave me so much confidence at the interview and I learnt a lot about bookkeeping, Tax and MYOB at Platinum. I wouldn't have been confident enoughto face the interview if I didn't know anything about GST or payroll or BAS.And also the interview board was impressed that I was doing an internshiprather than staying at home.

I am sure what I did at Platinum would be useful when I start my job next month.Also, maybe because of my previous overseas SAP working experience and CPA qualification, I was lucky enough to working in this type of large listedCompany again.

Yolanda, Iwould really like to thank you, Jeff, Humam and Amy for the support you guysbeen given me during the training and Internships. You all were eager to answerany question any time. And all the best for Platinum Accounting.

Youare doing a great job and I would recommend anyone to start their career withyou guys.




If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact us!

Platinum Accounting Team


阿德莱德办公室: Suite 717-718, 38 Gawler Pl, Adelaide, SA, 5000 Tel: 08 8123 0933, 0422 992530


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