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祝贺Flora在Perth的CA会计事务所获得Graduate Accountant职位

Platinumaccg 发表于 2015-9-24 00:00:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Flora对自己毕业后的职业发展有着充分的计划和准备。在读大学期间,她便先人一步利用课余时间加入了Platinum Accounting的Level 1培训实习项目。


在Platinum Accounting的培训实习期间,Flora吸取大量对将来工作能有帮助的技术和经验。在完成了第二个实习训练的时候她便已经能够在面试自信应对各种问题。更令人惊讶的是,她在持有学生签证的期间便早早拿下了这份会计工作。




From: Yahoo [mailto: f********@yahoo.com]

Sent: Sunday, 20 September 2015 8:57 AM

To: Teresa Nguyen

Subject: Re:

Dear Teresa:

I'm very glad to inform you that I am secured as graduate accountant in an accountant company, thanks for all the helps and tips about applying jobs you gave me during the training. After I finished the second internship, I started to apply for job and prepare the very common questions that might be asked in the interview. I had three interviews before I finally got this job. During the interview, Managers did not ask me very technical questions but some general ones:

1. Could you give me five minutes review of yourself?

2. What's your duty when you were in Platinum firm?

3. What kind of accounting job can you do?

4. What is your strength and shortness?

5. Do you think you are a follower or leader?

6. Do you know how to prepare the financial statements and reports?

7. What is your expected salary?

And I would like to share some of my training experience with other interns. When I were having my first and second internship in Platinum, I went to Platinum office everyday and joined all the training because I know what is the priority for me. To be honest, I'm not smart, so I marked down all the important notes and review it at home. Keep practicing is the only way you can use MYOB proficiently and get the big picture of what accounting job is.

The most important benefit I could gain from this training is confidence rather than technical skills. As an international student who has just graduated from uni, lack of working experience and interview skills made me lose confidence to apply jobs and compete with so many job seekers. But after this training and my hardworking, I believe in myself that I had internship experience and all the basic technical skills, which made me perform well in the interview.

Also, I found what I had learned in Platinum is extremely helpful for my current job. So interns, please don not lose faith in yourself, I know how hard it is to find an accounting job especially for new immigrants and graduates whose mother language is not English. Equipping yourself with knowledge you attain in Platinum, keep applying, you would definitely be secured an dreamy job and be the next one to share your exciting news with other interns.




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